Since I was certified as a Human Design reader in 2013, I have given hundreds of sessions. Throughout the years, the following formats have crystallized. They have proven to be the most useful and efficient way of transmitting what I see in your Chart.
Individual Work

Action Activation introductory offer
an easy way in
Here is a simple, accessible form to experience what the integration of Human Design and Gene Keys can do for you. The Prime Gifts of the Activation Sequence in the Gene Keys correspond to the Incarnation Theme in Human Design.
This new session, Action Activation, gives you a stable orientation into your unique Life Gifts, the ones you have come with and are meant to express in the world. It shows you how to anchor them in your body, so that you can be radiant while you live out your purpose. It also points out your main challenges and how to deal with them. Finally, I will give you at least one practice that you can use to implement what you have learned about yourself.
This session is the first one in a series of three. The other two are under development.
This is a 30-minute session for a special introductory price of $55 (standard price is $75). It includes your Gene Keys Profile, your Human Design Chart, and an audio and video recording.
Full Personal Session
Your chart comes alive before you
You want to know the strengths and learning points of your unique Human Design Chart and how they manifest in your life? Having this awareness by itself can change your life. In addition, we will open up new resources to deal with challenging situations and look how you can best develop your inborn talents. Besides learning the classic Human Design keys of Type, Strategy and Authority, we explore precisely how distinct elements of your Chart influence your life, thereby enabling you to use these energies to your benefit. This is your choice if:
- You want a solid foundation of Human Design insight to give you more confidence and clarity in your everyday life.
- You are facing an important decision and you wish to consider all conscious and unconscious effects it will have.
This session takes 70 minutes, the price is $195, including an audio and video recording.

Exploring the other as a mirror
One field of life where we can perhaps learn the most is in our close relationships, be they personal or at work. A Human Design Composite Chart Reading brings laser-like precision to each partner’s strengths and vulnerabilities, and shows the areas of compatibility and mutual learning. Customized strategies for more effective communication and challenge management round off this session. Can be booked by one or both partners. A willingness to change in at least one of the partners is essential for this session. Change begins with oneself.
This session’s duration is 90 minutes, it comprises the Charts of each partner and the Composite Chart, as well as an audio and video recording. All this for $270!
Integration Session

Human Design + Gene Keys Integration Session
The wisdom that inspires Human Design and Gene Keys has a common origin: I call it the twin transmission. Diving deep into that transmission has yielded ways to easily utilize these new understandings into an actionable format.
This 70-minute session is geared to enhanced embodiment of the changes you would like to see in your life.

Understand the system, learn to read Charts, work with others
The Human Design Training consists of three Modules. In the first one you learn to read your own and others’ Charts. Then you will have time to integrate your knowledge, and practice reading with people you know.
In the second Module we focus on a professional mode of reading. Apart from going deeper into the knowledge of Human Design, you will learn how to access your intuitive perceptions and integrate them with the rational side of the system.
The third Module is largely experiential. You will learn about the field of interaction between you and the client, and how to create a positive and nurturing session atmosphere. We explore how maintaining a stable inner state results in a neutral, welcoming presence in our work. This ensures the best possible delivery of your expertise and insights.