It’s clear that the world is going through huge changes. Richard Rudd, founder of the Gene Keys, says that what is happening here on earth is not separate, but that it is part of an evolutionary shift in the texture of the universe. We are in that shift just like everything else, and it will take its course regardless of what we do.
This means no one is to blame, yet it also becomes clear that the institutions we have created over the centuries – our political, economic, cultural and religious systems – are unable to find adequate responses to the tide of change. This is a time where the focus is on the individual, and possibly on new networks forming between individuals who feel drawn to collaborate and co-create.
The spring equinox
This year, the spring equinox (I’ll focus on the northern hemisphere here) falls on the 20th of March for the Americas and Europe, and on the 21st for countries further east. It is followed by a new moon the next day. In astrology, the spring equinox is when the sun moves from the sign of Pisces to Aries, initiating a new cycle in the Zodiac. The new moon is in Aries too, which amplifies the possibilities for a fresh start.
The Chart
The Human Design Chart for this spring equinox displays all the ingredients for an initiation. This is a time when we as individuals can shift into a new level of experiencing our inner potential, and develop a deeper understanding of our place and purpose in the world.
For those who have studied Human Design, here is the Chart. Otherwise, just read on below.

The energies in play
You can see the Sun in Gate/ Gene Key 25, Innocence. This is innocence of the heart, from where love flows naturally. Mercury is in the same Gate, in the 6th Line. This gives power to our thoughts. Mercury here wants to figure things out, to bring logic to the heart, which easily leads to misunderstandings.
Because the Sun is empowered in its 2nd Line, it can preserve the love flow by keeping the energy focused in the Now. When you do the ritual, bring yourself back into the present whenever you notice that your mind takes you somewhere else. I’ll tell you how to do that.
Jupiter is pooling its considerable influence with Sun and Mercury through the Human Design Channel of Initiation. Through sudden upsets, this Channel propels us from worn-out associations into a fresh experience of ourselves. Here you can think of attachments to people, or also to your ideas what love is, how it should look when you love yourself or someone else.
In the preceding days, from March 14-18, we have seen Venus and Pluto join forces in the Channel of Mutation. Something new wants to get born in our hearts, old compromises for the sake of internal or external harmony will no longer do.
The momentum of this time of initiation is directed towards relating, within ourselves and with others. The central question is: how do I experience love and how do I share it? You can also use the planetary energies to cleanse your heart of past burdens. In essence, love is an inner journey, that then finds its way into the outer reality.
Additional elements
Here are some more ingredients that contribute to the planetary brew:
- Venus and the North Node are in Gate 27, Line 3 : recognizing who and what is nourishing in any situation. Find the right people to be with.
- Moon and Mars activate the Channel of Innovative Interaction. The heart wants to move where no one has gone before, while the Moon provides enchantment and charm. Use the ritual to give yourself some moments of slowdown, after which it could be interesting to move outward, into the world and into relating
- Saturn in Gate 55, Line 2, reminds us to stay with our own innocent journeys of discovery, even amidst the suspicions of others (‘you can’t really do that’)

The ritual
This practice is about experiencing love in your body. You will need a connection with nature. The best is to go out in nature. If that is not possible for you, bring some natural object that has meaning for you into your house.
As a preparation, find a quiet moment and ask yourself ‘What limits the expansion of my heart?’ Give yourself space and time to receive answers. When fear comes up, accept it. You can even welcome it, just keep inquiring. Fears can also take the form of doubts, like your mind asking what’s the point, and so on. When you feel complete, take some notes, or make a drawing. Something to give form to what you have discovered.
The practice
Next comes grounding. Ask yourself what you need for that. I suggest that you go out in nature and plant your feet firmly on the ground. You could move slower than usual, or take a path where you usually do not go. Give yourself a jolt, or shake yourself, whenever the mind distracts you. The idea is to be as present as you can be.
It is spring, the time when nature brings the new, that has been growing since its inception on or after the winter solstice, into full manifestation. New beginnings are easy to find, even if in some regions they may still be small. Let these new beginnings come to you. Let them catch your eye, or caress your nostrils. Perhaps you hear a bird call that strikes you.
Now stop, and allow one or more of these impressions to enter your heart and widen it. Just like before with the constrictions, now give the expansion space and time. Keep your mind in the background, shake a bit or feel your feet on the earth when you lose presence. A deep breath also can help. When the expansion has taken root in your body, you can bring a limiting pattern into it. See what happens in your inner world. Most probably you notice a change; if not, that is fine too. Accepting constriction is the key. The softening of it may come next time.
This process is so simple is it easy to miss it. Give it a chance, it can be quite profound. A good thing is that you can repeat it whenever you want.
You can also do this together with someone you feel in tune with. I would advise you then not to use words, or let the energy dissipate through an old pattern of relating. Be open to the reality of the moment, let the magic happen