As a time of inner orientation comes to a close, energy to be creative and put projects in motion becomes available.

The tide is turning
The end of October brought a Venus transit behind the Sun, a strong New Moon in Scorpio, and a partial solar eclipse a day later. These are all signs that after a movement that took us deep inside, now the momentum swings. We are coming back to the world and giving form to the discoveries we have made. Because of the ongoing influence of Uranus, these can have a revolutionary, unorthodox flavor. Don’t be deterred, these are exactly what is needed right now. The challenge is how to implement them.
From a deep well
In the first ten days of the month, you may find yourself coming to terms with the fact that while you were in an inner process of mutation, the world did not stand still either. Sun, Venus and Mercury are moving closely together through Gates that help to find your bearing and fine-tune a new direction that is in alignment with your life purpose. If you’re open to the idea that the soul moves through many lives on its path of development, you can actually have insights how the current alignment fits in that bigger journey. The full lunar eclipse on the 8th is the culmination of this process.

Transition days
From November 11-16 you have the opportunity to fully digest these insights. It’s like explaining them to yourself, so your own mind can understand and put them into concepts. Then, from Nov 17-27, there is an unusually long conjunction of Venus and Mercury. Wear your heart on your tongue and share your visions, hopes and dreams, with both enthusiasm and attention to detail. Meanwhile, Sun and Earth provide the energy to make things actually happen. At this time also Jupiter turns direct again, joining Pluto and Saturn. Progress becomes easier; it can feel like having the wind in your back.

The caveat
Yes, there is one. On October 30, Mars turns retrograde and stays like that until January 12. This slows things down. It’s like someone throws a spoke in your wheels. Rather than becoming frustrated and eat yourself up in anger – Mars retrograde keeps it all inside – accept that something in the energy is not yet ready for full manifestation. Use this time to become very clear about the actions you need to take to reach your goals.

Financial healing
From Nov 20 onward, Chiron and Mars activate the Channel of Money. This offers a chance to look at how you deal with the material world and learn from any mistakes you may have made in the past. In the time ahead, networking with the right people will be beneficial to establish a solid financial footing.